SAQA ID: 94597 NQF Level: 3 Credits: 163

This qualification will form an integral part of this strategy. It will form the basis for the appointment requirements of the Community Health workers that will be employed by the various government departments (currently an estimated number of approximately 70 000 people).


DURATION: 12 Months
INTAKES: January & June


  •  Knowledge Modules
  •  Practical Modules
  •  Workplace Modules

NQF level 1 or equivalent competences in Mathematical Literacy and Communications.
Upon completion learners may articulate vertically to a:
Higher Certificate in Social Auxiliary Work at NQF level 5.
Further Education and Training Certificate: Community Health Work at NQF Level 4.

04R 600R 3000 R1 500R500R24 90012 Months
Exam Fee R400/Sem
Portfolio of Evidence
Assessment Fee: R2000

Health program director.
Research coordinator for healthcare society

Health promotion specialist
Health department manager.